
Somewhere to review books I'm reading without giving away any spoilers!

Fun read with a memorable road trip! A Wedding in the Sun by Leonie Mack

Four exes and a wedding. And a road trip no one expected…

My Review:

A couple getting married expect their ex-spouses to attend too,
Little knowing just what the pair were going to go through!
To start with the plane with both of them on though apart
Is forced to land in an emergency nowhere near where the wedding will start!

Get ready for drama as the experiences unfold
From sharing a room to accidents and so much more untold!
Jo and Adrián didn't get on at all to start
Will they feel the same when the time comes for them to part?

With one catastrophe followed by another on the way
Will this pair of exes get there for their exes wedding day?
To start with they seem to snipe at each other
Will that continue as more about the other they discover?

A lovely fun read, filled with drama and romance
With three children in the mix also giving things a chance!
I fascinating road trip, with plenty of surprises on every day
A great read that had me laughing all the way.

For my copy of this book I say thank you
As I share with you this, my honest review.


Jo Watters would rather do anything than go to her ex-husband Ben’s wedding to perfect Monica, and if it wasn’t for her beloved children she would already be far, far away. But having promised to be civilised for the sake of their soon-to-be-blended family she is headed to Spain with a fixed smile and hoping for a very fixed drink!

But when Jo realises that she’s on the same plane as Monica’s ex-husband, the devastatingly handsome but equally cantankerous Adrián, she thinks her trip can’t get any worse… she’s wrong. When bad weather forces the plane to land the wrong side of the Pyrenees, and the hotel they’re sent to only has one double room available Jo begins to wish she was anywhere – anywhere – but here…

Determined to get to the wedding however they can, Jo and Adrián make an unlikely team, but as their disastrous trip continues, Jo starts to wonder if fate has other ideas for her and Adrián, especially when he seems to be getting more handsome by the day…maybe this trip won’t be so terrible after all?

Purchase Link – https://mybook.to/aweddinginthesunsocial

Author Bio –

Leonie Mack is an author of romantic comedies with great international locations and big feelings. She loves a happy ending and shares that love in every book she writes! Her titles take readers across Italy and as far as the Caribbean.

Leonie is a journalism graduate, a language nut and loves to travel, particularly on foot, by bike and by train. After growing up in Australia and living most of her adult life in London, she now lives in Germany, among the vineyards on the Main river.

Social Media Links –  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeonieJMack

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeonieMAuthor

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Bookbub profile: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/leonie-mack

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